Saturday, 1 February 2014

Applications mode on

When the very stressful weeks of essay writing (for my optional module "Art of Management: Management of Art") got over, and the essay was successfully submitted, it seemed like the right time to resume my quest for an internship. After visiting the Careers Centre, I earned valuable advice on how to write my CV and covering letter, and I incorporated their corrections and suggestions in the latest version of my CV. I, then, started communicating with the companies that were at the top of my list

Source:, taken from 'Mulan' (1998), directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook

My first attempt was fruitless, as, after all, it seems that Sundance Film Festival London is not looking for interns. However, that does not mean that I cannot apply for a position as a volunteer, which will at least fulfil my goal of enhancing my CV by adding experience gained in the UK. As for the rest of the companies (DNA, See-Saw, Recorder Picture Company), none of them has replied yet, which either means that they rejected me or that they are taking their time. I choose to keep positive and believe the latter; after all, it has been just 10 days since I emailed all of them. I guess I should be more patient.

Source:, taken from 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2', directed by David Yates

From now on, I will open up my research to more possibilities. My essay for "Art of Management" was focusing on the problems that the film distribution industry is facing nowadays, in an era of digitisation and financial crisis. During my research on the subject, I realised that distribution is an aspect of film that is also quite intriguing. It might not be a bad idea to explore my options in that field as well. I randomly came across a distribution company named Peccadillo Pictures, which is the main distributor of LGBT movies in the UK, and has actually distributed some of my most favourite queer films of all time. I was lucky enough to find out that they are currently looking for interns. My next move will be to get in touch with them, and try and find even more distribution companies, in order to broaden my horizons as well as my opportunities for an internship.

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